"when someone is sweet to you, dont expect that they will be like that all the time. because even the sweetest chocolate expires.. -unknown-
Nur Adlina's
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Sunday, September 16, 2012
menuju weekend ini berakhir dengan mempost "friendzone"
hmm, rasanya emang sialan kena friendzone ini...
yaa tapi emang ga bisa dipungkiri klo kita ga bisa maksain perasaan kita terhadap orang lain ataupun sebaliknya..
baiklaah, sebaiknya cari yg lain haha.
selamat menikmati weekend yang tersisa ini
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
note to myself
"Rasulullah Muhammad saw selalu mengusahakan sebab yang pantas untuk mencapai akibat yang pantas"
Dari kalimat tadi pesan yg saya dapat adalah usaha berbanding lurus dengan hasil yg dicapai.
tapi bagaimana bila kita sudah mengerahkan usaha kita yg terbaik tapi hasilnya tidak sesuai harapan??
percayalah, Allah SWT selalu menyiapkan yg terbaik untuk kita. mungkin saja asumsi usaha "terbaik" kita bukan lah usaha yg terbaik sesungguhnya. atau bahkan bisa jadi hal tsb (yg kita kejar) bukanlah yg terbaik untuk kita.
jadi selama sudah mengusahakan dgn baik dan terus berdoa, impian kita dapat terwujud.
so lets do the best and God do the rest
Sunday, August 26, 2012
hidup ini beputar kawan
memulai pagi dengan curhat ke ayah
pelajaran dari ayah pagi ini: belajar lah hidup prihatin. karena kamu ga selamanya berada di atas. teruslah beribadah
see. yup. he is my own hero... life is easier with him (my family)
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
lovely thursday
i feel very very happy today. i don't know what the reason is.
i can't stop smilling (seems like a person who fall in love, but i dont)
have you ever feel like what i feel??
so i think today its gonna be a lovely thursday.
Monday, July 2, 2012
dear dad..
tomorrow is your ear operation day..
please be strong.
i hope the operation goes well, and you can get well (very) soon.
goes to malaysia :)
heihoo, everybody i wanna tell you about my experience in Malaysia.
I went to Malaysia on 8-10 June 2012 with my friends from alumni 107 ESQ Eksekutif Training, and it was free of charge. Yes. we didn't pay any (transportation and accomodation).
How come we didn't pay any for our trip? *i know that question is in your mind, right?*
Because when the ESQ Eksekutif Training was hold (in January if i'm not wrong), one of the participant was Datu Sri (Menteri Pertahanan Malaysia), and on the last day of the training, he invited us to go to Malaysia with free of charge. Yuhuuu :)
to be honest, i was doubt with what Datu Sri said, is that true? we go to Malaysia with free of charge??
and my doubtness was dissapear when i got phone call from Mba Putri from ESQ team, she told me that we went to Malaysia on 8-10 June 2012 and asked me to send my original paspor to ESQ office.
aaah, im so exicted :)
and the journey begin....
*to be continue....