Tuesday, September 18, 2012

even the sweetest chocolate expires

"when someone is sweet to you, dont expect that they will be like that all the time. because even the sweetest chocolate expires.. -unknown-

Sunday, September 16, 2012


menuju weekend ini berakhir dengan mempost "friendzone"

hmm, rasanya emang sialan kena friendzone ini...
yaa tapi emang ga bisa dipungkiri klo kita ga bisa maksain perasaan kita terhadap orang lain ataupun sebaliknya..

baiklaah, sebaiknya cari yg lain haha.
selamat menikmati weekend yang tersisa ini

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

note to myself

"Rasulullah Muhammad saw selalu mengusahakan sebab yang pantas untuk mencapai akibat yang pantas"

Dari kalimat tadi pesan yg saya dapat adalah usaha berbanding lurus dengan hasil yg dicapai.

tapi bagaimana bila kita sudah mengerahkan usaha kita yg terbaik tapi hasilnya tidak sesuai harapan??
percayalah, Allah SWT selalu menyiapkan yg terbaik untuk kita. mungkin saja asumsi usaha "terbaik" kita bukan lah usaha yg terbaik sesungguhnya. atau bahkan bisa jadi hal tsb (yg kita kejar) bukanlah yg terbaik untuk kita.

jadi selama sudah mengusahakan dgn baik dan terus berdoa, impian kita dapat terwujud.
so lets do the best and God do the rest

Sunday, August 26, 2012

hidup ini beputar kawan

memulai pagi dengan curhat ke ayah
pelajaran dari ayah pagi ini: belajar lah hidup prihatin. karena kamu ga selamanya berada di atas. teruslah beribadah

see. yup. he is my own hero... life is easier with him (my family)

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

lovely thursday

hi, everyone..
i feel very very happy today. i don't know what the reason is.
i can't stop smilling (seems like a person who fall in love, but i dont)
have you ever feel like what i feel??
so i think today its gonna be a lovely thursday.

Monday, July 2, 2012

dear dad..

dear dad my own Hero..
tomorrow is your ear operation day..
please be strong.
i hope the operation goes well, and you can get well (very) soon.

goes to malaysia :)

hello world..
heihoo, everybody i wanna tell you about my experience in Malaysia.
I went to Malaysia on 8-10 June 2012 with my friends from alumni 107 ESQ Eksekutif Training, and it was free of charge. Yes. we didn't pay any (transportation and accomodation).
How come we didn't pay any for our trip? *i know that question is in your mind, right?*
Because when the ESQ Eksekutif Training was hold (in January if i'm not wrong), one of the participant was Datu Sri (Menteri Pertahanan Malaysia), and on the last day of the training, he invited us to go to Malaysia with free of charge. Yuhuuu :)

to be honest, i was doubt with what Datu Sri said, is that true? we go to Malaysia with free of charge??
and my doubtness was dissapear when i got phone call from Mba Putri from ESQ team, she told me that we went to Malaysia on 8-10 June 2012 and asked me to send my original paspor to ESQ office.
aaah, im so exicted :)

and the journey begin....

*to be continue....

Monday, June 4, 2012

mr. out of reach

it has been 5 month for us, you and me.
it such a bless for me got a chance to knew you better. 
it was very happy fairy tales month for me, a lot of joy and story we shared.
but, the happines i felt was disappear when you become Mr. out of reach.
i can't reach you by anything. 
you were gone i don't where are you now. 
i don't know whether you still in The Earth or not
pelase come back soon Mr. out of reach

Sunday, May 27, 2012

what i wore ...

in my age, 22 y.o going on 23 y.o. i get wedding invitation more than birthday invitation.
In my opinion when we were child we get birthday invitation, when in productive age, i mean 22 y.o until late twenty, we get wedding invitation more than birthday invitation, and when we get old, we get birthday invitation more than wedding invitation. i think that's the cycle of invitation hi hi hi :p *blabbering*

In this post, i will post what i wore when attended my friends' wedding. enjoy :)

Maya's wedding - 27 May 2012

Dea's reception - 12 November 2012

Dea's akad - 30 October 2012

Sunday, May 20, 2012


hello. how was your holiday? 
oh no, its already Sunday so tomorrow is Monday, back to our daily routine.
sorry to bother your happiness in this rest holiday he he.

hmm, in this post i just want to share my thought. 
what do you do if you want to know about something, someone, or etc?.
yes! the simplest way to get the information is googling that things, right?!?

that's what i do.
if i want to know about someone. so the first thing i do is googling his/her name. ha ha I'm kepo master :p
by googling his/her name, i bet you will get at least 10% information about their past or their recent activity.
hufft, sometimes the result after you googling his/her name will shocking you and make you disappointed. then you think too much about it.

so my suggestion is before you google his/her name please prepare heart to know the result *wink*
the picture taken from this
oh ya, maybe we dont need to googling his/her name so we dont thinking or worry about the result he he (just like no.6 from the picture above)

Monday, May 14, 2012

Orang Belanda Di Mata (saya) Orang Indonesia

Sebagai bangsa yang pernah dijajah oleh Belanda selama 350 tahun bangsa Indonesia sangat akrab dengan bangsa Belanda. Memang tidak terbayangkan Belanda negara kecil (41.526km2) di Eropa sana mampu menguasai Nusantara yang demikian luas ini. Selama 350 tahun bangsa Belanda menjajah dan mencoba menanamkan visi dan konsep kehidupanannya di Indonesia. Sehingga tidak heran bangsa Belanda ini memiliki tempat tersendiri dalam kehidupan bangsa Indonesia.

Terong Belanda
Ingat terong belanda? Buah ini bukan berasal dari Belanda, tapi berasal dari daerah Amazon, Amerika Latin. Lalu kenapa disebut terong Belanda? Mungkin karena pertama kali buah ini dibawa dan dikembangkan di Indonesia oleh orang Belanda sehingga kata belanda mengikuti nama buah ini, jadilah Terong Belanda.
Entah mengapa orang Indonesia ini selalu terkagum-kagum dengan kata “Belanda” bukan hanya pada terong saja kata “Belanda” disematkan, untuk mengatakan atau menyebutkan sesuatu - orang-orang suku jawa misalnya – mereka menyebut orang belanda dengan sebutan “Wong Londo” (wong = orang, Londo = Belanda)
Selanjutnya menjadi salah kaprah karena kata Londo (Belanda) ini disematkan untuk menyebut bangsa kulit putih lain jadilah istilah “Londo Inggris” (untuk menyebut orang Inggris), “Londo Jerman” untuk menyebut orang Jerman. Padahal jelas-jelas beda banget antara Inggris, Jerman dan Belanda: Inggris ya Inggris, Jerman ya Jerman tidak ada “Belanda Inggris” ataupun “Belanda Jerman”…….

Ada lagi istilah Belanda Depok, walaupun kadang istilah ini lebih merupakan ejekan untuk orang Indonesia yang ke barat-baratan – namun setidaknya ini menunjukan betapa kuatnya pengaruh bangsa Belanda di Indonesia.

Mau tidak mau kita juga harus mengakui bagaimana visi bangsa Belanda saat menjajah Indonesia begitu jauh ke depan, sehingga ketika Indonesia merdeka telah mewariskan suatu konsep pembangunan ekonomi yang sangat maju-mau bukti? Ini Buktinya Semua PT Perkebunan Negara (PT.PN) yang ada saat ini adalah melanjutkan perkebunan-perkebunan yang dibuat oleh Belanda. (perkebunan karet, perkebunan teh, perkebunan tembakau, dll).

Masih kurang bukti? 
Jaringan jalan kereta Api di Indonesia 95% (jika tidak bisa dibilang semuanya) adalah jaringan rel kereta api yang dibangun oleh bangsa Belanda. Bahkan jaringan kereta ini, masih digunakan oleh Indonesia.

Konsep dan kegiatan transmigrasi yang pertama di Indonesia juga dilakukan oleh Belanda, dengan mengirimkan tenaga kerja suku Jawa ke perkebunan-perkebunan di Sumatera – kini dikenal istilah Jadel (Jawa Deli) untuk keturunan suku jawa yg menjadi transmigran. 

Bahkan pengiriman tenaga kerja suku jawa oleh Belanda bukan hanya ke Sumatera saja tetapi juga ke luar negeri yaitu ke Suriname – sampe kini masih banyak keturunan Jawa di Suriname. Mungkin jika lebih banyak lagi suku Jawa yg dikirim ke luar negeri oleh Belanda – bisa jadi suku Jawa jadi mendunia….hehehehe

Untuk mengatasi banjir di Batavia (Jakarta) Belanda membangun kanal-kanal menuju ke laut – konsep yang sama yang kini dilanjutkan oleh pemda Jakarta dengan membangun Banjir Kanal Timur (BKT).

Kalau mau jujur dan berpikiran positif banyak sudah buah pikiran maupun ide-ide cemerlang bangsa Belanda yang diserap dan diteruskan oleh bangsa Indonesia; walaupun tidak kita pungkiri juga ada catatan kelam bangsa Belanda atas bangsa Indonesia ini.

Belanda di mata orang Indonesia, negara kecil yang punya visi jauh memberi warna di kehidupan orang Indonesia, dan begitu menginspirasi.

Brave nation

Indonesia is a brave nation.
these are reason why i said Indonesia is a brave nation
(actually the reasons isn't my original thought, these reasons are picked from my senior friend statement):

-People from west Indonesia (Sumatra,etc) are  people who dared to speak. They don't afraid to speak up what they have in their mind.
- People from Java, Bali etc are people who dared to action. Less talk do more, might be their philosophy. They will work hard to achieve what they dream.
- People from east Indonesia (Papua, Maluku, Sulawesi) are people who dared to die. They will fight for what they believe.

so in my conclusion, since people from all over Indonesia are brave. So Indonesia becomes brave nation too, Right?

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


morning everybody :)
have you had earworm?
earworm is a tune or par of song that repeats in one's mind (more info about earworm)
yes, i get an earworm and the song is Kamu by coboy junior, a teen boy band Indonesia.
To be frank I'm not coboy junior's fans. But their song always repeats in my head especially in chorus part:

"Mungkin inilah rasanya rasa suka pada dirinya
Sejak pertama aku bertanya facebook-mu apa nomermu berapa
Mungkin inilah rasanya cinta pada pandang pertama
Senyuman manismu itu buat aku dag dig dug melulu"

i don't say that coboy junior is bad at all. i think they really smart combining social media like twitter, and facebook in their lyrics and as the result they have a catchy lyrics.

curious about coboy junior?
here it is, i give you their video clip. enjoy! (psst. I'm not responsible if you get an earworm by their song :p)

Monday, May 7, 2012

Knock knock

Hello :) 
How's your life? Yaaaa,life gets up and down. Sometimes you want something will happen to your life but in the fact it doesnt happen, or maybe you want get opportunity like Ms. X got, but you dont get that opportunity.

Hei don't give up, look this picture:  

From that image i learnt to not only wait opportunity comes to me. I have to struggle to get what i want. I have to build a door. Maybe i will not build only one door, two doors, three doors or even a house.So the opportunity will "knock" not only at "door" but also at window hehe.

The point is keep struggling for what you want. I hope someday my dreams will come true. Aamiin

PS: The picture i grab from this blog. You should read it :)